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Problems QFT 2 (Redirected from Exercises QFT 2)

From IFPA wiki
  1. Show that the invariance of scalar field theory w.r.t. rotations leads to angular momentum conservation. Give the expression of the angular momentum of a scalar field.
  2. In the case of two scalar hermitian fields [math]\displaystyle{ \Phi_a(x),\ a=1,2 }[/math] with the same mass, show that the lagrangian density [math]\displaystyle{ {\mathcal L}=(1/2)\sum_a(\partial_\mu \Phi_a)(\partial^\mu\Phi_a)-m^2\Phi_a^2 }[/math] has a continuous symmetry. Calculate the associated charge. Compare with the case of a complex scalar field.
  3. In the case of two complex scalar fields [math]\displaystyle{ \Phi_a(x),\ a=1,2 }[/math] with the same mass, show that the lagrangian density [math]\displaystyle{ {\mathcal L}=\sum_a(\partial_\mu \Phi_a^*)(\partial^\mu\Phi_a)-m^2|\Phi_a|^2 }[/math] has several continuous symmetries. Calculate the corresponding charges.
  4. Calculate the norm of a 1-particle state in the case of an inverted bosonic algebra [math]\displaystyle{ [a^\dagger,a]=1 }[/math].
  5. In the case of a complex scalar field, show that the charge can be written [math]\displaystyle{ Q=\int\frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}(a^\dagger_{\vec p} a_{\vec p}-b^\dagger_{\vec p} b_{\vec p}) }[/math].



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